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Política de Privacidade

AÇOBAN takes privacy seriously and is committed to protecting the personal information of our website visitors and customers. Our privacy policy outlines the types of information we collect, how it is collected, and the purposes for which we use and disclose this information. We ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations to safeguard your privacy.

Our privacy policy addresses the following key points:
- Types of information collected
- Methods of information collection
- Purpose of collecting personal information
- Storage, use, sharing, and disclosure of personal information
- Communication of our privacy practices to website visitors
- Collection of information from minors
- Privacy policy updates
- Contact information

For more information on how AÇOBAN creates and maintains a privacy policy, refer to our support article.

Please note that the explanations and information provided here are for general guidance only. They should not be considered as legal advice or recommendations for your specific circumstances. We strongly advise seeking legal counsel for assistance in understanding and creating your privacy policy.

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